Here Goes Nothing!

Posted by Stephanie on

I’ve tried to blog a few times before, but its always been sort of short-term - adventures while living abroad and the like. Big things have been going on with us, and I’d like a place to share them! I’m still working out my vision for this blog, but as it is called Sometimes I Sew Things, there will be some posts about my Etsy store, plus maybe some tutorials and such, but also probably some home projects, cooking, and a bit about our lives.

A little about me: I live in Austin (well, I guess it is technically now Round Rock), Texas with my husband Lee and our two cats. We’ve been married for about 5.5 years and in that time have managed to live in 3 apartments in Austin plus a flat in London where we lived from August 2012 - August 2013. We bought our first house in September and moved in in October, so it has been a crazy 6 months or so! We’ve spent the time since then getting settled, painting, and trying to balance the changes we want to make to make it our own with our budget! :) To add to all of that, I left my full-time job in November. For several months I was working full-time, plus a part-time work from home job, plus trying to get my Etsy store up and running AND get us moved and settled in our new home. Something had to give. We decided it should be the thing I just really didn’t like. :) My job had been weighing on me (well, us) for quite a while. I didn’t really feel like it was getting me anywhere professionally, and I was miserable and stressed out. So far, it has been a great change for us!

I’m looking forward to what 2015 holds for me! I have lots of goals for my Etsy store this year. I’d like to work on my products and build up my inventory and online presence over the next few months and then try my hand at craft shows, etc. later in the year. I have never really done anything like this before, so there is a lot of learning taking place on my end, so bare with me!